Friday, 18 July 2014

A Perception of Time ~ Aveen

Hey everyone!

It’s Aveen from The Random Life of Aveen here again! This week’s theme for Collab Sunflower as you may have seen earlier is ‘Time’ I felt this was another interesting topic which can be tackled and discussed from various angles, as you have probably seen from everyone else’s posts.
‘’People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... Time-y wimey... Stuff.’’ ~  Doctor Who
As a huge Whovian, I simply love The Doctor’s quotes, and a lot of them seem to mention the future and time.

The idea that we all have so much time on our hands seems luxurious in times where spare minutes for leisure are scarce (no pun intended) The progression of time seems to be something we all have in common, and something everyone talks about.

As a teenager, I worry a lot about time, particularly a lack of it and also ‘The Future.’ We learn about the future tense in German or Irish class but we’re never quite sure what we’re supposed to exactly do to prepare for ‘The Future.’ A quote on Tumblr that gives me shivers is this;

“Oh my God, what if you wake up some day, and you’re 65, or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written; or you didn’t go swimming in warm pools and oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination and radical silliness and staring off into space like when you were a kid? It’s going to break your heart. Don’t let this happen.”  ~ Annie Lamott
Perhaps what’s scary about time is how, as teenager we’re told how ‘’little time we have’’ to prepare for various things. I feel that that quote proves that point exactly. The fear of ‘underachieving’ is overwhelming and can consume me when I worry over whether I’ll achieve everything that I want to.
 I’m nearly eighteen now and my life is going by faster than I ever imagined it would. It seems like only yesterday that I was a chubby cheeked 12 year old starting secondary school with her two best friends, excited yet nervous about the latest adventure life had in store.
Now, in late August I shall be starting my sixth (and last year) in secondary school. In January I’ll be sitting my Mocks and finally in June, the Leaving Cert ie. What decides my entire future career choices. Fun isn’t it? *hyperventilates*
I was thinking about ‘Time’ for the past few days because it’s the theme but the progression of time only really struck me when I was down the town with a couple of friends after work yesterday and I saw an old primary school teacher of mine.
I live in a small town so it was quite surprising that I never bump into any of my primary school teachers, it just doesn’t happen. I realised that the last time I saw this teacher (who taught me when I was twelve) was nearly 3 years ago. It’s strange how I remember seeing my old teacher on this one day.  I was a month into Third Year and as I’ve never really been good at maths, had been placed into Ordinary Level maths instead of Honours maths.
However, my 14 year old self wasn’t too happy about that decision as I did (and to this day) all my subjects at Higher Level. So I worked extra hard on maths and started getting A’s in Ordinary Level tests (the equivalent to a C in honours) So in the first month of Third Year, I was allowed go back to Honours maths. It’s funny that the day I went back to Honours, I saw my old primary school teacher who waved and said hello.
You might be wondering, as that was three years ago (cries) what happened since. I did the Honours paper for my Junior Cert and ended up with a ‘C’ which I was delighted with, as I technically didn’t even study the Honours course for a full year.  I’m still in Honours and in my Summer exams I ended up with a C1 so I’m hoping the Leaving Cert will be something similar (Living for the 25 points)
So that's my random example of how time seems to creep up on us all. I was stunned when I realised that I left primary school in June 2009 and how secondary school has flown by so quickly. I never thought five years would go by as quickly. That said I still have a year left, so time hasn't run out too much for me!

I hope you enjoyed my little ramble,
Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless!
Aveen xx

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Tick Tock

Time. What is time? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years or is it something even more complex? Time is something that honestly amazes me. Time is what our lives and our day to day routine naturally runs around, it's such a normal everyday thing. Yet time is something so complex that it's impossible to understand or ever ever get back.

As a human race, I believe that we honestly don't treasure the time we have enough. The average human in the UK has a life expectancy of 81 years old which is 872 months or 4226.37 weeks or 29,584.6 days or 710,034 hours or 42,602,040 minutes or 2,556,122,400 seconds (if my calculations are correct). The weird thing about the average is that it includes those who live to well over 100 in the UK yet also those who die in the early years in their life. 

"You never realise what you had until it's gone" is a very common saying thrown about when a loved one passes away or a relationship ends etc. I think that this quote is very important. I think as humans we need to appreciate the time we spend with our loved ones, because there comes a day where that person might not be there anymore, and you'll regret the wasted time or the uncherished time. So, cherish that time you spend with your family, friends and your partners, anyone who you love. Because time is one of the most precious things that we have. But no one can get time back, ever. Tick tock.

Time is something so precious. Being 15 years old, time is something that can be difficult to manage when it comes to the dreaded exam time of the year, as it is for anyone who may have exams or a demanding job. After all, there's only so many hours in the day to do that homework, or cram that revision into or finish that essay. I must admit, I'm not the best at time managing, I struggle to get everything done when there's a ton of exams, or when teachers seem to pile the work onto you. But, I plan to get better at managing my time. I want to be able to organise my blogging and my exams and revision by the time it gets to my ridiculous amounts of exams at the end of next year.

How do you manage time well?
Alex xxx

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Well hey there
It's me again! After hearing this weeks theme was time, I spent a while racking through my brain trying to think of something to write about. So here it is..

Good things come to those who wait.. Greater things come to those who do anything to make it happen!

This quote is so true. Things do change over time, but if you don't put in the effort nothing will ever change. Over time you learn this! Its an important lesson that I myself learned.

All my life I have been quite a shy girl. I did have friends, but never really had a best friend. I got worse in secondary school. I would find it hard to socialise with people outside my group of friends. At the time, I was happy enough with it though. But as you all know, people change over time, and soon enough I wanted nothing to do with the people who called themselves my friends. At this point I was so introverted(excuse the fancy language..) and shy that I couldn't even make eye contact with anyone in my year. One day I decided that I had wasted enough time being unhappy with who I was and decided to make a change! I started talking to other girls in my year, and in what seemed like no time at all I had made some of the best friends!

Its strange how your life can change in just a couple of months if you put the effort into making it what you want. So don't just sit around waiting for changes to happen, get up and make the changes yourself, because even though things change over time, you wont if you don't change yourself!

That's all for todays post. I don't really know where I was going with this post, but I thought it would be good to get y'all motivated. Talk to you all next Wednesday:)
Chloe x

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Love & Time

"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back."

I've found a relationship between love and time. Time is a variable that can heal almost anything imaginable. Relating to love, time has taught us how to live with pain

In middle school and high school a relationship is a distraction. It helps time pass. When a connection falls to pieces it aches. It feels like it's endless, but weeks and months teach us that the distress won't last forever. Therefore, time is valuable and extraordinary.

We have a decision to make: we can let it break us and lead us into a dark place or we can acknowledge the throbbing pain in our hearts and live life to it's fullest potential. Move on. Obviously it's easier said rather than done.

I connected love and time because of the song "Fifteen" by Taylor Swift. Time is what allows a series of events to take place. So the idea of falling in love to the fear of heartbreak occurs over an amount of time. It's an experience

There's a line in the song that says, I've found time can heal most anything and you just may find who you're supposed to be. I didn't know who I was supposed to be at 15.

Overall, time is beautiful. Time is what can change us into a better us. That's magical. 

Thanks for reading,

Guilianna Marie

Friday, 11 July 2014

Questions.. ~ Aveen

A question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression’ - Wikipedia

Hey Everyone!

So my name is Aveen and I blog on my blog called 'The Random Life of Aveen' A random name for a random person I guess. I'm 17 (18 in September!) and I live in Ireland. 

So this week’s theme is ‘Questions’ I feel that you as the reader are probably asking a lot of questions whilst reading this blog post. Perhaps questioning why you clicked on this post in the first place as it just seems to be random sentences and paragraphs compiled together, making no sense to either you or me writing this. 

When you think about it, we spend most of our lives questioning things, until we find the answer. Once we find the answer, we slowly stop questioning what we did not know the answer to. Personally, the main thing I question is obviously the future. It’s something I wonder about an awful lot, particularly as my future is currently at a metaphorical crossroad as I near the end of my time in secondary school (Next June I'll be sitting the Leaving Cert) and ultimately prepare for deciding on a college course which will decide my ‘future’ and my career choices.

However we don’t only just question things in the future tense, although that's where most of my questions are lately. We question our actions in our past and present too. We all wish we didn't do foolish things in our younger years or even just ten minutes ago. You could be sitting in school or work, daydreaming and suddenly think of something awkward or embarrassing you did and just think ''Why did I do that?'' Something which is of a regular occurrence in my life. I was deep in thought just last week and had a mini 'flashback' to when I was a child doing embarrassing things. I practically cringed out loud and questioned why I did things as a child! The joys of remembering cringy events.. 

As you can probably tell, I'm not quite sure where this post is going, but questions are a huge part of our lives. We question everything, from ''What's for dinner, Mammy?'' to my personal favourite, ''What am I doing with my life?'' We spend our entire lives asking questions seeking and searching for the answers. As I previously stated, my huge questions at the moment, like many others, relate to my future possibilities which is always fun when you wake up at 2 am after having a dream of receiving your Leaving Cert results! 

However, we don't always find out the answers to all our questions and in all honesty, sometimes I think it's better for our selves to live in bliss or ''ignorance'' of the answer we were craving. We don't need to know every little detail of life, and if we did, I think it would be quite a painful existence. 

I feel I should probably leave this here, my feelings of nostalgia and ''deep'' conversations can become slightly wacky and stray in every direction possible. 
So I shall see you all next week! I genuinely hope you liked this blog post, let me know down in the comments! 
Stay Strong, Happy and Fearless!
Aveen xx

Thursday, 10 July 2014


When I hear the word questions, I also think of people being curious. So let's just get a couple of things out of the way...

I'm Alex and I'm 15 years old living in the north east of england. I started writing a blog a few months ago (here) and I like pancakes a lot. I will posting on this collab every Thursday (exceot one when I'm away) and today's post is quite late as it's my mum's birthday.

They say curiosity killed the cat, but I believe curiosity opens up a whole new world. Maybe that's because I like to ask questions? Honestly, I ask questions 24/7. But questions are the way you find things out. Apparently people ask their mum's questions 300 times a day, that's including shouting mum downstairs when you want to ask something. I don't really have too much to say on the topic of questions. Weird isn't it? Such an everyday thing, but when you think about it, it's something everyone needs in life.

Alex xxx

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Some answers to questions!

Well hey there everybody!
My name is Chloe and I am a fifteen year old beauty and fashion blogger over at my blog Cocobelle ( I will be posting here hopefully every Wednesday. When I heard that this weeks topic was questions, I decided that it was best I answered a couple of questions about myself so that you all know what sort of person your dealing with every Wednesday ;).

1. What are your hobbies?
    I have a looooootttt of hobbies. I love to sing, I play the harp and the guitar, I enjoy reading and I love to blog.

2. Where do you live?
    I live in the Republic of Ireland. That's all the information I'm giving away though;)

3. What is your favourite drink?
    Nothing can beat a good cup of tea, but I do love hot chocolate as well!

4. Who is your favourite singer/band?
    My all time favourite singer is Ariana Grande. I am obsessed with every single one of her songs. She is perfect!! My favourite band is the gorgeous 5SOS (5 seconds of summer for those of you who may not have heard of them)

5. What is your favourite food?
    Pasta!! I just love it. I would probably eat it for every meal of the day if I could get away with it.

6. What is the last thing you bought?
    I recently took a trip into my local Cara Pharmacy and picked up the Rimmel Kate Moss Lipstick in 105 and the w7 In the Buff eyeshadow palette, which is a cheap alternative to the Urban Decay Naked Palette.

7. Favourite book of all time?
    This is the toughest question yet! I am such a bookworm and I have loved practically every book I have read. Although my favourites would probably have been the Fallen series by Lauren Kate and the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling.

8. Favourite Colour?
    It would be between orange, blue and red.

9. Do you have any pets?
    Yes! I have a dog called Rex, a cat called Belle, a load of chickens, a rooster and two ducks. (We used to have a lot more than that)

10. What has been your favourite holiday?
      This might be a shock to some of you, but I have never been out of Ireland before so all of my holidays have been based in Ireland. If I had to choose one, it would probably be the time I went to Kerry with my family and a couple of cousins, aunts and uncles.

11. How many siblings do you have?
      I have one sister and three brothers, all younger than me. The youngest is my eight month old baby brother!

12. What is your favourite shop?
      To be honest, it would have to be Penneys/ Priamrk. Its the motherhood of all clothes shops. It's my haven. I do love Boots and Superdrug also.

13. What is your favourite TV show?
      I am completely and utterly obsessed with The Vampire Diaries!

14. When was the last time you cried?
      Last Wednesday when I went to see The Fault in our Stars. (I cried so much I cant believe it)

15. Who are your favourite YouTubers?
      I have way too many favourites, but I have narrowed it down to my top five: Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Thatcher Joe, Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes.

16. What is your favourite blog?
      The first blog I came across was Zoella and it has been my favourite ever since.

Well that's all for my little introductory post. I hope you enjoyed this and maybe know a little bit more about me:) Talk to you all next Wednesday. Ciao now!

Chloe x

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Questions: The Five W's

When I found out that the topic was to be 'Questions', the first thing that popped into my head was the five W's: Who, What, Why, Where and When. So let us get right into it.

WHAT... is your name?
My name is Kate! 

WHO... are you?
 I am a fifteen year old beauty and fashion (but mostly beauty) blogger. I also like to make videos on YouTube related to the same topics. I love beauty, fashion, music and tea. 
Cannot forget tea.

WHY... did you want to join a blog collab?
I wanted to take part in a blog collab because I have done collab blogposts and youtube videos, but never an actual blog! I just think it will be a fun experience and a good way to make even more blogging friends.

WHERE... are you?
I am currently situated on my couch (kidding). I am from and live in the Republic of Ireland (although I don't really sound it). Can't give away too much though. Internet safety and all that jazz.
*insert jazz hands*

WHEN... did you begin blogging?
I began blogging on Saturday June 2, 2012. Back then, my blog wasn't called what it is called now. Oh no, it was called daisychainblog and I went under the identity of 'Daisy Chain' (cringing as I type). I also referred to everyone as my 'fashion savvies'. Oh dear.

I hope you enjoyed this introductory post. See you next Tuesday!

P.S, I know it's not actually Tuesday anymore, but actually Wednesday. I had the post up fifteen minutes late.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

This Week's Topic : Questions

  1. 1.
    a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.
    "we hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions"
  2. 2.
    a matter requiring resolution or discussion.
    "the question of local government funding worried ministers"
  1. 1.
    ask (someone) questions, especially in an official context.
    "four men were being questioned about the killings"

I have no idea how to start this but welcome to Collab Sunflower ! 
I originally tweeted the idea of a summer collaboration (collab for short.) blog during a #tbloggers at the end of May and I thought it would give a lot of us something to pass time with over the course of summer 2014, Whether your reading or writing this. 

You'll learn soon that there is a topic for each week of Collab Sunflower and since this week's topic is 'Questions' here are some answers to some questions you may be thinking of !

What is a 'collab blog' ? 
Well a collab blog is a blog where several bloggers write one blog together and there is typically one post per day and each blogger has a particular day they are to blog on. I haven't seen many collab blogs around but I do know that 'collab channels' were a huge craze on YouTube around 2-4 years ago and although some such as O2L for example still exist, A lot of them died out. 

Is this blog permanent or will it end on a certain date ? 
This collab is only for the summer and will finish before the end of August.

How many people are involved in this blog and when will they blog ?
There are eleven of us involved in this collab and there are links to all their blogs along the sidebar ! 
Depending on the blogger, 'Collabers' are posting either once a week or once every two weeks. 
There will be at least one post every day excluding weekends and a post announcing the coming week's topic will be shared on a Sunday which will be written by the collaber who suggested the chosen topic. 

What type of posts will be shared on this blog ? 
 All kinds of things will be discussed on this blog ! They will have some kind of connection to the particular week's topic but topics in general will hopefully be quite versatile. 

Back to chatting about this week's topic, I chose it as I thought it would be an interesting discussion for the first week since we'll all be sharing our first posts. You would have seen the three definitions of the word 'question' at the beginning of the post and in my opinion this word covers such a variety of definitions and the action of it can change a definition creating a definition and so on. The word 'question' can become something quite lighthearted or something quite deep and I'm guessing that many of the posts this week will be slightly deep.

We use the word 'question' every day and it is honestly a word I am fascinated by ! In History, The Renaissance was the beginning of the modern world - A world that wouldn't exist as it does today if ways of the past had not been questioned. If questions had not been asked, Our knowledge wouldn't be so broad and wide, Countries would not be independent of one another, Religions would not have developed and human rights would not exist like they do today. It's easy though to forget that a few hundred years ago and even one hundred years ago in Western Civilisation, Many questions were forbidden and many people were afraid to ask certain questions and now we live in a Western World where we're allowed the freedom of speech and free opinions. In light of this, It's important we remember that in many parts of the world such as the Third World, There is still a lack of human rights and the citizens of those countries are not given the freedom of speech to question the lack of rights and other issues. 

So after that long paragraph I really hope you enjoy this week's posts on Collab Sunflower ! 
You can read my blog over at

Tomorrow's posts come from myself and possibly Sophie and Jane who post every two weeks. 

Grace x